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Fun & Easy Family Devotions: Verse 7 | Devotion 2 – Matthew 6:31 & 33


Do Not be Anxious about... Plastic Food?
Devotion Written By Kylie - aka “Worship Girl” or “Smiley Kylie”

I’ve always been a bit of an organizer—I really like having everything in its place. In fact, when I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was to play with plastic food. I don’t mean margarine or ball-park cheese dip, I mean literal plastic food. I had this huge container full of all kinds of different toy foods: fruits, vegetables, breads, meats, cakes, you name it. I’d dump that bin out on the floor and spend hours putting everything in order. I know it sounds thrilling but I just loved it. Well, I loved it until someone else wanted to join in. That was no bueno.

My parents were always inviting other families over to hang out for a meal. I love that about them now, but back then, I would get so anxious just thinking about some other kid showing up and messing with my food. What if they moved something out of place? What if they put a purple food next to orange food!?! Can’t you feel the stress I was facing? Ok, maybe not, but you get the picture. Little kids aren’t always rational about sharing their things (well… some adults too). 

Dad tried a preemptive strike by talking to me beforehand, reminding me that I had to share my toys with the other kids. I would always agree with Dad that, yes indeed, sharing is a good idea. But when those little friends/tyrants showed up, I’d spend the entire time trying to keep them out of my room. Somehow though, I’d get distracted. I’d take my eye off the door for one second and in would tumble some lonely soul. She’d see my perfectly placed plastic food and light up with joy shouting “let’s play!” Just as she was selecting a fake ham and cheese sandwich for her fake lunch, I’d snatch it away and shove her out crying. Yes I know, “Smiley Kylie” was not so smiley back then.

Matthew 6:31 & 33 says, “31 Therefore do not be anxious saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’... 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

It may seem a little weird to quote this verse here, as I’m pretty sure Jesus was talking about real food, not plastic food. But I think that makes it even more relevant to this story. I mean, if we shouldn’t be anxious about the basic necessities of life (food, drink, clothing), then we DEFINITELY shouldn’t worry about sharing our toys. God wants us to trust him and put Him first in all things.

After our friends would leave, Dad and I would have another conversation that usually involved some discipline. I didn’t like it at the time, but I’m grateful for it now since he taught me to love others more than things. 

The funny thing is I was so little at the time that I barely remember any of this. I’ve heard my dad tell the story so many times that it’s like I was there (wait… I was). We laugh about it now, because it’s so silly to worry about plastic food. What could possibly happen to it? Even if someone did mess it up, then I’d just have another chance to enjoy reorganizing it.


1. Do you have any toys that you don’t like to share?
2. What can you do to make sure you’re not putting toys, or anything else, before others?


God, thank you for the abundance of things you’ve given us. Thank you that we have toys to play with and food to eat and clothes to wear. Help us to be good at sharing those things with other people. Help us to seek your kingdom first and to trust you in all situations.


Come up with an idea as a family to be generous to others. Maybe surprise a family with dinner, a plate of cookies, or bring someone their favorite drink to school or work. Write a note and let them know you care about them. 

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Kylie Lynch

When Kylie was 13 years old she gave her heart to the Lord and soon felt a call to full time missions. She knew she did not have to wait until later to be a missionary and spent her teen years focused on building her relationship with God and reaching out to others. Kylie has been a Seeds Family Worship Missionary- creating hand motions, making videos and traveling with our team for live events for the last 7 years. This has been a BIG passion of her life as she loves being able to lead kids and families in worship! Today, Kylie is newly married and living in Washington state where her and husband Matthew are in training to become full time missionary overseas.

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